The Maison Caffet in Troyes

Signature Caffet - Entête


In 1989, Pascal Caffet achieved the prestigious title of MOF Pastry Chef (Meilleur Ouvrier de France). In 1995, he became Champion du Monde des Métiers du Dessert: prestigious awards that testify to the expertise of the imaginative and daring native chocolatier and pastry chef from Troyes.

These awards then inspired the teams and added extra value to Maison Caffet, establishing it as a high-end chocolate and pastry shop.

Transmitting and Inspiring Vocations

Maison Caffet is a key place for transmission and has established itself as a major training stage in the profession. The Master Artisan takes pride in sharing his incomparable expertise with his teams and staff.

Since its inception, Maison Caffet has welcomed and trained passionate professionals, striving for excellence recognized by prestigious competitions.

Mathieu Blandin
Jean-Christophe JEANSON, Meilleur Ouvrier de France - Pastry

The year 2022 will be marked by the arrival of an Executive Chef; who will be responsible for coordinating Pastry & Chocolate productions as well as Research & Development, titled Meilleur Ouvrier de France Pâtissier 2019: Jean-Christophe JEANSON!

After 18 years at Maison Lenôtre where he was Pastry Chef and deputy to Guy KRENZER, Executive Chef. Jean-Christophe is one of those men driven by a passion for the profession, a manager at heart who loves to challenge his teams with new goals and dislikes routine!

A true pillar of the brigade, Jean-Christophe is committed to sharing and transmitting his passion every day. Deeply respectful, he is a Chef who listens and cares, yet does not forget to be demanding. Naturally curious, he shakes up established flavors, questions known aromas and textures, with the aim of creating emotions. For this, he draws inspiration from wherever it may be found. Jean-Christophe's strong values: transmission, respect, trust, and sincerity.

This chef is an excellent professional, recognized and respected by his peers. He is also and above all a major name in today's pastry world.

Jean-Christophe Jeanson

Label "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant"

On October 28, 2014, the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs awarded Maison Caffet the label of "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (Living Heritage Company), which brings together manufacturers committed to the high performance of their craft and products. One of the important criteria is the implementation of rare know-how based on mastery of traditional or high-tech techniques.

A real reward for all the work accomplished over the years by Pascal Caffet, to perpetuate his know-how through the use and maintenance of traditional methods, not forgetting his true mission of continuous transmission to the younger generations of pastry chefs and chocolatiers. Our traditional homemade praliné was one of the elements highlighted and recognized as the true know-how of Maison Caffet.