
Lot of Chocotartiné® and Chocopraliné®, Online shop

The Chocotartiné® is remarkable, we invite you to the most indulgent chocolate temptations... With crispy notes!

The Chocopraliné® is unique, we invite you to the most exquisite tasting.

Creations guaranteed palm oil-free.

630 g -  4.75 € / 100g
€29.90 i Tarif identique à celui pratiqué dans les boutiques de Troyes, Pont Saint Marie, Châlons en Champagne, Nancy, Metz ou Strasbourg.
48h chrono
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The perfect duo for undecided gourmands! Between spreads, sometimes crispy, sometimes creamy, both equally delicious!

Enjoy home delivery to discover these gourmet chocolates...

You can find the composition of the pot of Chocopraline here and that of Chocopraline here.

A conserver à température ambiante. 

Après ouverture, conserver au réfrigérateur.

You can find the nutritional values of the Chocopraline pot here and the Chocopraline pot here.

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